
cq63 keyboard commands

The cq63 is a mechanical keyboard by HUO JI. It supports either USB and Bluetooth connectivity.

HUO JI cq63

HUO JI cq63 keyboard with plain white LEDs
key combo description
Fn + esc `
Fn + shift + esc ~
Fn + 1 – 0 F1 – F10
Fn + - F11
Fn + = F12
Fn + [ Home
Fn + ] Delete
Fn + q BT device 1, press to switch, 3s discovery
Fn + w BT device 2, press to switch, 3s discovery
Fn + e BT device 3, press to switch, 3s discovery
Fn + r switch between usb and BT
Fn + t BT test mode, single carrier low freq
Fn + y BT test mode, single carrier medium freq
Fn + u BT test mode, single carrier high freq
Fn + p print screen
Fn + m multimedia
Fn + < volume down
Fn + > volume up
Fn + enter cycle between colours
Fn + ↑ increase brightness
Fn + ↓ descrease brightness
Fn + ? cycle between effects
Fn + \ custom effect
Fn + space pause effect
Fn + ← hasten affect
Fn + → slow affect
Fn + win-L Windows lock
Fn + ctrl-L disable capslock
esc + bs + ctrl + → Press and hold for 3s to reset to defaults