This is a list of podcasts that I listen to:
- 13 Minutes to the Moon
- 20 Macs for 2020
- 99% Invisible
- A Podcast of One’s Own with Julia Gillard
- Accidental Tech Podcast
- Analog(ue)
- Astronomy Cast
- B-Sides
- Bandrew Says Podcast
- Clockwise
- Connected
- Context with Brad Harris
- Coronacast
- Cortex
- Doctor Who Flashcast
- Dragon Friends
- Extremities
- Flashback
- Focused
- Football is Life! - Watching “Ted Lasso”
- Full Story
- Fun Fact
- Hello Internet
- Houston We Have a Podcast
- How It Began: A History of the Modern World
- Liftoff
- Mac Power Users
- Monocle 24: The Foreign Desk
- No Such Thing As A Fish
- Pants in the Boot
- Pencil Problems
- PodSchool
- Pragmatic
- RN Presents - This Much Is True
- Random Trek
- Reckoner
- Reconcilable Differences
- Reply All
- Robot or Not?
- Roderick on the Line
- Roy and HG - Bludging on the Blindside
- Slate Technology
- Slow Burn
- Stephen Fry’s 7 Deadly Sins
- Story Club
- Stuff The British Stole
- TechConnect
- The Eleventh
- The History of English Podcast
- The Incomparable
- The Last Voyage of the Pong Su
- The Numberphile Podcast
- The Party Room
- The Pineapple Project
- The Stalman Podcast
- The Talk Show With John Gruber
- The Teacher’s Pet
- The Unmade Podcast
- Top Four
- Trace
- Twenty Thousand Hertz
- Under the Radar
- Ungeniused
- Upgrade
- WILOSOPHY with Wil Anderson
- Wandering DMs
- You’ve Gotta Start Somewhere