put the code into github
pick a better colour for links in tables when hover is active. There shouldn’t be links in the title row, so no need to worry too much about it.
test | test |
test | test |
Finish these pages:
Images missing alt text: grep ^\! *.md | grep -v \"
Make linklint eaiser to run: linklint -host -http /@ -warn -error
Add image meta data strip to Makefile
Does the 404 page throw a real 404 error?
Write more often!
for i in *.md ; do
for j in $(yq eval --front-matter=extract '.keywords[]' $i) ; do
echo tag_$j.md
echo $i
yq eval --front-matter=extract '.keywords[] | sub("\s+"; "_") | "tag_" + . + ".md"' test.md